Level 0-9 – You’ll spawn randomly into a starting location which could be Everfall, Windsward, Monarch’s Bluff or First light. Complete the introduction to the game and choose your faction as this will be important that you start on those quests to get better gear than what you’re wearing. In the town you start in you should pick up all quests that you see because it will give you easy exp and some weapons which could be better than what you currently have equipped. Until you get a few levels under your belt don’t waste time running around because it will set you back and whilst it won’t feel like a lot a few levels being missed because of running will set you back plenty.

Level 10-12 – Complete faction missions until you have at least 2000 points because it will allow you to buy a full set of armour and if you wish to have the weapon as well make sure you farm enough tokens in order to get it. Now you won’t be able to equip it yet but have it ready for as soon as you hit level 15. It will be a big power spike from what you have at the start.

Level 12 – Go to Hermit’s Shrine and start the Main questline. Expect to see a lot of players on these quests and some of them might set you back for an hour just to complete. It is better if you team up with friends to do these quests because you need to get credit for killing the mob. This means you need to do a substantial amount of damage for you to complete the quest. However, if you are in a party then any damage your party does counts towards yours. If your friends aren’t online try and team up with strangers that are doing the same quest because it will still give you credit if your party does enough damage and trust me this will save you many hours waiting for it to respawn and you not get the kill credit.

Level 13-15 – If you feel not doing the Main story and you want to do Professions, don’t hesitate to do so. It is all about having fun anyway in how you spend your time. But if you want to smash out questing then do so. Get your faction quests completed and upgrade your rank in the faction asap. If you struggle to do it alone then try it in peak hours as I’m sure someone will be around to help (especially in the mid-stage of the game.)

Level 15 – Go and put on your purchased faction gear as this is the required level to put it on. This will boost your stats massively. Be careful you don’t buy the wrong gear such as heavy or light because this will affect you. Mages tend to want light gear to reposition from afar whilst tanks and bruisers tend to want heavy armour to soak up the damage for your DPS (damage per second).

Level 16+ – Go and complete the storyline until you max it out then start to gain territory standing in areas that you’ll visit a lot or town board missions to get you some easy exp. And enjoy the game it will be tricky when other players catch up but get ahead and smash it out!