New World Launch is Almost Here…Are you ready?

Many people have been anticipating the launch of Amazon’s New World since it was delayed just over a year ago. With just a few weeks to go now until the game finally goes live many people are wondering what we should expect when the game finally makes it out to the masses.

Following what Amazon Game Studios considered a “successful beta” in  July, Amazon’s New World was pushed back another month to clean up the game experience before going live. We are now looking to see the game enter the mainstream at the end of September 2021.

Amazon’s New World is coming into the MMO-RPG scene with a much-needed shake-up to the space. Although traditionally MMO games are notoriously hard to bring to the market this could be an ideal time for the launch of New World as many players of popular MMO’s such as World of Warcraft have become unhappy, not with the game or content but with the actions of the company behind them.

Activision Blizard has created almost a perfect storm for games like Final Fantasy Online and Amazon’s New World to scoop up some of their previously inaccessible player bases.

What does Amazon New World Need to do to succeed?

This is an extremely difficult question to answer but for Amazon’s New World to launch and be as successful as possible moving forward the team developing it needs to listen to the communities and address major flaws that are missing in current MMOs.

New World already offers a really engaging experience, however, one of the biggest bits of feedback that we took away from the closed beta was the need to address the server stability in the game. This is not referring to logging in to the game (as we have become accustomed to congested servers on launch) although it would be great if they are able to smooth out the wait time caused when the servers go live. No, this is referring to the actual speed of the servers and how they deal with combat situations.

Amazon’s combat system in New World brings a really fresh feel to the game, however, there were many complaints about the reactions of the actual servers when it came to PvP engagement within the game.

Another area in the game that will be very important for establishing a long-term player base will be the end-game and progression within New World. Many players are concerned that there is no “end-game” to New World and ensuring that there is a reason for players to keep plugging away and growing their characters in the game will be the key to its success.

With the main competitors of New World focusing mainly on end game content it is important in a game that people are going to invest a lot of time into that the team at Amazon Game Studios consider what people will do at the end of their leveling journey, not just what they will do on the way there.

We hope that New World will bring as much fun as it has the potential to do with community, PVP, and group content being the focus of the end-story in the new world experience.

What are your thoughts about Amazon’s New World so far? let us know in the comments below.